Presentation Information
[AMD4-4L]High Mobility Polycrystalline Oxide Thin Film Transistors for 12.6 inch AMOLED Display
*Xue Liu1, Qidi Liu1, Guowen Yan4, Mengsen Wang1, Xuyang Zhang1, Yinghai Ma1, Fa-Hsyang Chen2, Wangfeng Xi3, Rubo Xing2, Xiujian Zhu2 (1. Yungu (Gu'an) Technology Co.,Ltd. (China), 2. Kunshan Govisionox Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (China), 3. Jiangsu Huixian Display Technology Co., Ltd. (China), 4. Hefei Visionox Technology Co.,Ltd. (China))
Polycrystalline,oxide thin film transistor,high mobility
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