Presentation Information

[1P-435]Evaluation of the Utility of a Cat Allergen Fel d 4 Mutant for the Development of Hypoallergenic Vaccines

Hasegawa Nanako1, Yuma Hukutomi2, Miki Ubatani1, Iori Kato1, Osamu Ishibashi1, Takashi Inui1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Agri., Osaka Metro. Univ., 2.Clinical Res. Ctr. for Allergy & Rheumatol., Sagamihara Natl. Hosp.)


アレルゲン免疫療法、低アレルゲン化ワクチン、ネコアレルギー、Fel d 4、IgEエピトープ

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