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[1P-435]Evaluation of the Utility of a Cat Allergen Fel d 4 Mutant for the Development of Hypoallergenic Vaccines
○Hasegawa Nanako1, Yuma Hukutomi2, Miki Ubatani1, Iori Kato1, Osamu Ishibashi1, Takashi Inui1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Agri., Osaka Metro. Univ., 2.Clinical Res. Ctr. for Allergy & Rheumatol., Sagamihara Natl. Hosp.)
アレルゲン免疫療法、低アレルゲン化ワクチン、ネコアレルギー、Fel d 4、IgEエピトープ
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