Presentation Information
[1T14-10]Loss of the TMEPAI gene suppresses small intestinal adenoma formation.
○Arisu Mori1, Yuki Matsumoto1, Hiroshi Iida1, Fuma Nitta1, Naoko Nakano1, Susumu Itoh1, Yukihide Watanabe3, Makoto M. Taketo4, Mitsuyasu Kato3, Fumiko Itoh2 (1.Laboratory of Biochemistry, Showa Pharmaceutical University, 2.Laboratory of Stem Cell Regulations, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 3.Laboratory of Experimental Pathology Institute of Medicine and Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 4.Medical Research Institute KITANO HOSPITAL)
キーテクノロジー:intestinal organoid
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