Presentation Information
[2S04e-01]Molecular mechanisms and their physiological functions of egg cell remodeling during oocyte-to-embryo transition
○Ken Sato1, Ichiro Kawasaki1, Kenta Sugiura1, Taeko Sasaki2, Shunichi Suto1, Noriyuki Matsuda3, Hidetaka Kosako4, Miyuki Sato2 (1.Lab of Molecular Traffic, IMCR, Gunma University, 2.Lab of Mol. Membrane Biol., IMCR, Gunma University, 3.Department of Biomolecular Pathogenesis, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 4.Division of Cell Signaling, Fujii Memorial Institute of Medical Sciences, Tokushima University)
受精、卵母細胞、リソソーム分解系、C. elegans
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