Presentation Information
[3P-018]Developmental and organ-specific expression and functional studies of sulfated sialic acids in medaka
Sota Yamashita1,2, Di Wu1,3, Takayuki Omoto1, Masaya Hane1,2, Naoko Komura4, Hiromune Ando4, Chihiro Sato1,2, ○Ken Kitajima1 (1.Nagoya Universiity, Institute for Glyco-core Research, 2.Nagoya University, Graduate School of Bioagriicultural Sciences, 3.Nagoya University, Biioscience and Biiotechnology Center, 4.Gifu University, Institute for Glyco-core Research)
シアル酸 、硫酸化、メダカ、発生、遺伝子改変
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