Presentation Information

[3P-018]Developmental and organ-specific expression and functional studies of sulfated sialic acids in medaka

Sota Yamashita1,2, Di Wu1,3, Takayuki Omoto1, Masaya Hane1,2, Naoko Komura4, Hiromune Ando4, Chihiro Sato1,2, Ken Kitajima1 (1.Nagoya Universiity, Institute for Glyco-core Research, 2.Nagoya University, Graduate School of Bioagriicultural Sciences, 3.Nagoya University, Biioscience and Biiotechnology Center, 4.Gifu University, Institute for Glyco-core Research)


シアル酸 、硫酸化、メダカ、発生、遺伝子改変

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