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[1P-102]Phosphorylation and histone peptides reduce side- and main-chain dynamics of HP1 during phase separation, as studied by conventional and TOAC spin labels
○Isao Suetake1, Toshiki Takei4, Kazunobu Sato3, Tomoaki Sugishita4, Yuichi Mishima4, Makoto Miyata2, Toshimichi Fujiwara4, Yoh Matsuki4, Hironobu Hojo4, Toshiaki Arata2,4 (1. Nakamura gakuen Univ., 2. Dept. Biol., Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Met. Univ, 3. Dept. Chem., Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Met. Univ, 4. IPR, Osaka Univ)
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