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[1P-842]Search for structurally variable sites of natural product simplifications with anti-tumor activity
○Misaki Sato1, Tomoya Higashi1, Tomoki Hosoya1, Humiya Seki2, Tetuyuki Akasi5, Shingo Dan5, Takahiko Hara2,3,4, Nobuo Kitada1,6, Takashi Hirano1, Syojiro Maki1,7 (1. Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, 2. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 3. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 4. School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 5. The Cancer Chemotherapy Center of JFCR, 6. Coordinated Center for UEC Research Facilities, 7. The Cancer Chemotherapy Center, The University of Electro-Communications)
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