Presentation Information

[2P-570]Development of a Rat Model for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Without Irradiation

○Ryuya Iida1, Saeko Ishida1, Jinxi Wang1, Kosuke Hattori1, Kazuto Yoshimi1,2, Satoshi Yamazaki3,4, Tomoji Mashimo1,2 (1. Division of Animal Genetics, Laboratory Animal Research Center, IMSUT, The University of Tokyo, 2. Division of Genome Engineering, Center for Experimental Medicine and Systems Biology, IMSUT, University of Tokyo, 3. Division of Cell Regulation, Center of Experimental Medicine and Systems Biology, IMSUT, The University of Tokyo, 4. Laboratory of Stem Cell Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)

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