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[2P-572]Two waves of stomach cell production occur from fetal multipotent progenitor cells and adult stem cells in development and tissue regeneration in mice.
○Motomi Osato1,2,3, Kazuto Suda2,4, Tomomitsu Doi5, Akiko Niibori-Nambu2, Akihiro Yamamura6, Tomomasa Yokomizo7, Atsuyuki Yamataka4, Motoyoshi Endo5 (1. Kumamoto Univ, 2. Natl Univ Singapore, 3. Kumamoto Kenhoku Hosp, 4. Juntendo Univ, 5. Univ Occup Environment Health, 6. Tohoku Univ, 7. Tokyo Women's Med Univ)
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