Presentation Information

[2PS-08-03(2P-698)]Neuroscience of mosquito hearing – investigating a potential new target for vector control -

○Takuro Ohashi1,2, YiFeng Y.J. Xu1,2, Shunsuke Shigaki3, Yukiko Nakamura1,2, Tai-Ting Lee1,2, YuMin M. Loh1,2, Emi Mishiro2, Daniel F. Eberl4, Matthew P. Su1,2,5, Azusa Kamikouchi1,2,5 (1. Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ., 2. ITbM, Nagoya Univ., 3. Prin. Informatics Res. Div., Nat. Inst. Informatics, 4. Dept. Bio., Univ. Iowa,, 5. IAR, Nagoya Univ.)

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