Presentation Information
[2PS-13-07(2P-902)]The relationship between the metabolism of branched-chain amino acid and aging
○Kazuki Irie1, Yuma Aramaki1, Hideru Obinata2, Shinya Honda3, Takuro Horii4, Satoko Arakawa3, Aiko Tsuchida5, Junki Hoshino1, Ryosuke Kobayashi4, Takashi Izumi6, Izuho Hatada4, Shigeomi Shimizu3, Yoji Andrew Minamishima1, Akimitsu Konishi1 (1. Dept. Biochem. Gunma Univ., 2. Education & Research Support Center. Gunma Univ., 3. Dept. Pathol. Cell Biol. TMDU., 4. Biosignal Genome resourse Center, Gunma Univ., 5. Faculty of Medicine. Gunma Univ., 6. Faculty of Healthcare, Teikyo Heisei Univ.)
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