Presentation Information
[3AS-11-07]Targeting resistance to cancer therapy through translational control of metabolism
○Laura Hulea1,2, Alejandro Schcolnik-Cabrera1,2, Victor Gife1,2, Anavasadat Sadr Hashemi Nejad1,2, Meriem Takdenti1,2, Zaynab Nouhi2, Katie Fooks3,4, Martin Roffe5, Tommy Alain5, Ivan Topisirovic3,4, Jerry Pelletier3, Raquel Aloyz3,4, François Mercier3,4 (1. University of Montreal, 2. Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Center, Montreal, Canada , 3. McGill University, 4. Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Montreal, Canada , 5. University of Ottawa)
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