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[2P-333]Differences in microbial community structure at different depths of boreholes in the Koishi site of the Tempoku Coalfield, Hokkaido, Japan
○Akio Ueno1, Kiyoshi Sato1, Shuji Tamamura1, Takuma Murakami1, Hidenori Inomata1, Satoshi Tamazawa1, Hideo Aoyama2, Hayao Nagai2, Atsutaro Tadokoro2, Kazunari Mikami2, Takeshi Naganuma3, Toshifumi Igarashi1,4 (1. H-RISE, 2. MUCC, 3. Hiroshima Univ., 4. Asahikawa College, KOSEN)
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