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[2P-429]Analysis of sperm-cell-surrounding membrane breakdown upon pollen tube discharge in Arabidopsis
○Naoya Sugi1, Daichi Susaki1, Kazuo Ebine2,3, Hidenori Takeuchi4,5, Shiori Nagahara6, Tetsu Kinoshita1, Thomas Widiez7, Daisuke Maruyama1 (1. KIBR, Yokohama City Univ., 2. Div. Cellular Dynamics, NIBB, 3. SOKENDAI, 4. ITbM, Nagoya Univ., 5. IAR, Nagoya Univ., 6. GSSci, Kyoto Univ., 7. Univ. Lyon, ENS de Lyon, UCB Lyon, CNRS, INRAE)
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