Presentation Information
[3P-267]Interaction analysis of the C-terminal intrinsically disordered region of Mycobacterial DNA-binding protein 1 (MDP1) with small compounds by using NMR.
○Ayaka Asai1, Natsuko Goda1, Takeshi Tenno1,2, Emi Hibino1, Akihito Nishiyama3, Kosuke Ito4, Sohkichi Matsumoto4, Hidekazu Hiroaki1,2,5 (1. Grad. School of Pharm. Sci., Nagoya univ., 2. BeCellBar, 3. Grad. School of Med and Dent Sci., Niigata univ., 4. Grad. School of Sci and Tech., Niigata univ., 5. NU-COMIT)
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