Presentation Information
[3P-452(3AS-16-06)]Novel positive regulator of mammalian Hedgehog signaling via phosphorylation of GLI2/GLI3
○Saishu Yoshida1,2, Akira Kawamura2, Katsuhiko Aoki3, Pattama Wiriyasermkul4,5, Shinya Sugimoto6,7,8, Junnosuke Tomiyoshi2, Ayasa Tajima4,9, Yamato Ishida10, Yohei Katoh10,11, Takehiro Tsukada1, Yousuke Tsuneoka12, Kohji Yamada2, Shushi Nagamori4,5, Kazuhisa Nakayama10, Kiyotsugu Yoshida2 (1. Dept. of Biomolecular Science, Toho Univ., 2. Dept. of Biochemistry, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 3. Radioisotope Research Facilities, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 4. Center for SI Medical Research, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 5. Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 6. Dept. of Bacteriology, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 7. Center for Biofilm Science and Technology, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 8. Laboratory of Amyloid Regulation, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine, 9. Dept. of Molecular Biology, The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine , 10. Dept. of Physiological Chemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Univ., 11. Hiroshima Univ. Genome Editing Innovation Center, 12. Dept. of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Toho Univ.)
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