Session Details


Sat. Sep 14, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM JST
Sat. Sep 14, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:30 AM UTC
Room C(Room No.202)
Chair:Masayasu Taki

[3OC-01]Metal-induced formation of minimal double-stranded β-helices with parallel and anti-parallel fashion

*Masaki Endo1, Michito Yoshizawa1, Tomohisa Sawada1,2 (1. Lab. for Chem. & Life Sci., Tokyo Tech, 2. JST-PRESTO)

[3OC-02]Construction of the supramolecular oligoproline cages and their cage forming ability dependent on proline residues

*Rin Inoue1, Yoshihito Inai1, Masahiro Higuchi1, Shogo Matsubara1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[3OC-03]Discovery of interacting peptides by construction of OPOB-libraries and high-throughput sequencing of the screened bead

*Kiyoshi NOKIHARA1 (1. HiPep Laboratories)