Session Details

[B-5A]無線通信システム A

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 1:45 PM - 5:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 4:45 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K106(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:tomeba Hiromichi, Koichi ADACHI

[B-5A-36]LOS Identification Using Envelope for Automobile NTN

○Xinyue Du1 (1. Waseda University)
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[B-5A-37]Improved Initial Clustering for Antenna Control in Multi-Cell HAPS System

○Wei Dai1, Siyuan Yang1, Mondher Bouazizi1, Tomoaki Ohtsuki1 (1. Keio University)
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[B-5A-38]Dynamic Antenna Control in Multi-Cell Configuration HAPS System with Transformer-based Reinforcement Learning Method

○Siyuan Yang1, Mondher Bouazizi1, Tomoaki Ohtsuki1 (1. Keio University)
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[B-5A-39]A Study on Autonomous Decentralized User Association Method for System Throughput Maximization in HetNet with HAPS

○Shoki Ikeda1, Takanori Hara1, Kenichi Higuchi1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science)
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[B-5A-40]A Study on User Location Prediction in Mobile Relay Systems

○Shunsuke Fujio1, Kazuyuki Ozaki1 (1. FUJITSU)
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[B-5A-41]A Study on HO Procedure for Wireless Relay Systems with UAVs Considering Propagation Environment Error

○Kazuyuki Ozaki1, Shunsuke Fujio1, Kenichi Nishikawa1 (1. Fujitsu Limited)
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Break time

[B-5A-42]Early Commercialization and System Evolution for HAPS Direct-to-Mobile-Phone Service - Overview of Research and Development Project -

○Yoshihisa Kishiyama1, Yuma Minowa1, Yuki Hokazono2, Munehiro Matsui3, Masato Hirose4 (1. Space Compass, 2. NTT DOCOMO, 3. NTT, 4. SKY Perfect JSAT)
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[B-5A-43]Early Commercialization and System Evolution for HAPS Direct-to-Mobile-Phone Service - R&D for Service Link Enhancements -

○Yuki Hokazono1, Yoshihisa Kishiyama2, Kenji Fukasawa1, Yuma Minowa2 (1. NTT DOCOMO, INC., 2. Space Compass Corporation)
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[B-5A-44]Evaluation of 2-GHz Band Inter- and Intra-System Interference between HAPS and Ground System

○Yuto Muroki1, Yuki Hokazono1, Hinata Kohara1, Atsunori Shimamura1, Kenji Fukasawa1, Jun Suzuki2, Hiromu Kitanozono2 (1. NTT DOCOMO, INC., 2. SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation)
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[B-5A-45]Area-Based Throughput Evaluation using System-Level Simulator for 2-GHz Band HAPS System

○Atsunori Shimamura1, Yuki Hokazono1, Hinata Kohara1, Yuto Muroki1, Kenji Fukasawa1, Jun Suzuki2, Hiromu Kitanozono2 (1. NTT DOCOMO, 2. SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation)
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[B-5A-46]Integrated Systems of Interference Canceller and eICIC for Spectrum Sharing Between HAPS and Terrestrial BSs

○Tsutomu Ishikawa1, Koji Tashiro1, Mitsukuni Konishi1, Kenji Hoshino1 (1. SoftBank Corp.)
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[B-5A-47]Field experiment of a dynamic area optimization algorithm using a cylindrical antenna

○Yohei Shibata1, Wataru Takabatake1, Kenji Hoshino1 (1. SoftBank Corp.)
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