Session Details

[B-10A/B-13]光通信システム A/光ファイバ応用技術

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 1:45 PM - 4:30 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 4:45 AM - 7:30 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K203(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)

[B-10A_B-13-24]Leveraging Variable Branching Ratios: A Study on Core Selective Switch Using Multicore Fiber Couplers

○Kyosuke Nakada1, Shohei Beppu2, Daiki Soma2, Seiya Sumita2, Yuta Wakayama2, Noboru Yoshikane2 (1. Kagawa Univ., 2. KDDI Research)
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[B-10A_B-13-25]12 and 24-fiber connector with 4-core fiber

○Hiroki Nakane1, Yoshifumi Koike1, Takahiko Sabano1, Akito Nishimura1 (1. Optical Technologies R&D Center, Fujikura Ltd.)
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[B-10A_B-13-26]Ferrule endface geometry of standard outer diameter multi-core fiber connectors

○Yuki Fujimaki1, Soma Takura1, Daiyu Nozaki1, Ryo Nagase1 (1. Chiba Institute of Technology)
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[B-10A_B-13-27]Loss factor while vibrating of multi-fiber cylindrical ferrule for rotary optical fiber switching

○Chisato Fukai1, Ikutaro Ogushi1, Kazunori Katayama1 (1. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone corporation)
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[B-10A_B-13-28]Evaluation of transmission quality during fabrication of side-polished fiber couplers

○Takui Uematsu1, Kazutaka Noto1, Ikutaro Ogushi1 (1. NTT)
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[B-10A_B-13-29]Evaluation of branching ratio measurement method using OTDR of field-made optical fiber coupler using side-polishing technique

○Kazutaka Noto1, Takui Uematsu1, Ikutarou Ogushi1 (1. NTT)
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Break time

[B-10A_B-13-30]Potential of spectral shift of fiber-transmitted light for displacement sensing

○Ryo Takano1, Hamza Javid1, Marcelo A. Soto2, Yosuke Mizuno1 (1. YNU, 2. UTFSM)
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[B-10A_B-13-31]Study on correction of cross-correlation error using overlap in OFDR

○Riku Hiroto1, Kengo Koizumi1, Yoshihiro Kanda1 (1. Oki Electric Industry CO., Ltd)
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[B-10A_B-13-32]Study on the constraint between spatial resolution and measurand resolution in TW-COTDR

○Naoki Yamshiro1, Kengo Koizumi1, Yoshihiro Kanda1, Hitoshi Murai1 (1. Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd)
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[B-10A_B-13-33]Demonstration of low-coherence OCDR based on periodic noise modulation

○Yuta Higa1, Kenta Otsubo1, Yosuke Mizuno1 (1. YNU)
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