Session Details
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 1:45 PM - 5:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 4:45 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 4:45 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K207(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:Toru KUMAGAI, Takayoshi Yokota
[A-13-01]Remote Vehicle Control Emulator Considering Wireless Propagation with 3D Building Model
○Masaki Takanashi1, Kengo Sasaki1, Yuma Taguchi1, Takashi Machida1, Katsushi Sanda1 (1. Toyota Central Research and Development Labs., Inc. Inc.)
[A-13-02]Trial on Coordinated Driving with Roadside Sensors using ITS Emulator
○Shuichi Watanabe1, Yutaka Takahashi1, Yoshihisa Nishigori1 (1. OTSL Inc.)
[A-13-03]ITS emulator works with Radio Propagation Emulator
[A-13-04]Cooperative driving programming with Python
○Yutaka Takahashi1, Watanabe Syuuichi1, Nishigori Yoshihisa1 (1. OTSL, inc.)
[A-13-05]A Study on Pedestrian Map for Vehicle to Vehicle Blind Spot Information Sharing
○Nobutaka Fukuda1, Naoko Enami2, Tomio Kamada3, Patrick Finnerty1, Chikara Ohta1 (1. Kobe Univ., 2. Mukogawa Women’s Univ., 3. Konan Univ.)
[A-13-06]A Driving Assistance System Based on Prediction of Driver’s Tension and Concentration Using Biometric Information
○Shun Hasegawa1, Nakajima Tsuyoshi2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura institute of technology, 2. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shibaura institute of technology)
Break time
○Takeo Fukushi1, Yoshihisa Nishigori1 (1. inc.OTSL)
[A-13-08]Dynamics of Urban Green Space Variation: NDVI-Based Analysis of Green Area Transitions
○Fumito Hatano1, Takashi Kaburagi1 (1. International Christian Univ.)
[A-13-09]Modeling Mobility with a Simplified Approach using Movement Data and Population Distribution Estimation
○Toru Kumagai1 (1. National Institutte of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
[A-13-10]Direction detection system using multiple microphones for emergency vehicle siren sounds
○Ryo Yagyu1,2, Shin Kato1, Makoto Itami2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technolog, 2. Tokyo University of Science)
[A-13-11]Trial on fall detection in automated buses using video camera
○Kousei Ido1,2, Amey Dakare1, Yen Tran1, Naohisa Hashimoto1, Toru Kumagai1, Takahiro Miura1, Yanbin Wu1, Makoto Itami2 (1. Digital Architecture Research Center National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), 2. Tokyo University of Science)
[A-13-12]A proposal of ambient lighting system for improving passengers' social acceptance of autonomous buses
○Satoru Ogino1,2, Yanbin Wu1, Toru Kumagai1, Takahiro Miura1, Masaki Musuda1, Koya Takahashi1, Sota Suzuki1,2, Naohisa Hashimoto1 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2. Tokyo University of Science)