Session Details


Wed. Mar 6, 2024 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 6:20 AM - 8:00 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K303(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:Inoue Koki

[BS-2-01]分散型SNSと生成AI を用いたWeb3エコシステムの拡大と活性化

○Koichi Onoue1 (1. Fujitsu Ltd.)
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○hiroshi nakamura1, Hiroyuki Kameda2 (1. Honda Motor Ltd., 2. Tokyo University of Technology)
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[BS-2-03]Securing Intelligent IoT Energy Data Trading: Privacy and Integrity Protection

○XIJIAN XU1, JUN WU1 (1. Waseda University)
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[BS-2-04]Cross-Data Analysis AI Platform

○Koji Zettsu1 (1. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
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