Session Details


Wed. Mar 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:45 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K305(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:Toshihiro MATSUI

[D-8-09]Improving Performance of RL Agents with Common Sense by Subgoals

○Keita Toda1, Ryosuke Hosaka1 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology)
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[D-8-10]Automatic Acquisition of Reward Function through Inverse Reinforcement Learning in a Control System Integrating Fuzzy Reasoning and Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning

○Reo Kojima1, Seiji Ishihara2 (1. Graduate School of Tokyo Denki Univ., 2. Tokyo Denki Univ.)
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[D-8-11]Improving Learning Efficiency of SRDQN+RDPM for Beer Game by using Transfer Learning

○Masaaki Hori1, Toshihiro Matsui1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)
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[D-8-12]Simulation of pedestrians as reinforcement learning agents implemented by reservoir computing

○Hisato Komatsu1 (1. Shiga University)
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[D-8-13]A Consideration on a Food Allocation Method in Food Banks for Practical Use
- Investigation of the Relationship between Environmental Scale and Computational Costs -

○Kazuya Sakakibara1, Daisuke Kitakoshi1, Masato Suzuki1 (1. NITTC)
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Break time

[D-8-14]Individual agent ability differences and cooperative role differentiation

○Yuta Nakano1, Tomofumi Matsuzawa1, Kaiyu Suzuki1 (1. Tokyo Univaersity of Science)
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[D-8-15]Study of Improving Multiagent Pathfinding Method under Continuous Time and Increased Move Directions

○Kaisei Tsukamoto1, Toshihiro Matsui1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)
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[D-8-16]Improving interpretability of Shogi AI with Principal Variation

○Shintaro Tanaka1, Kaiyu Suzuki1, Tomofumi Matsuzawa1 (1. TUS)
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[D-8-17]Evaluation of Information Security Risk from Training Data Inference in Federated Learning

○Hiroko Kobori1, Ken Fukuchi1, Ye Wang2 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, 2. Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory)
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[D-8-18]Sports Motion Correction base on Domain Adaptation Using Conditional VAE

○Keigo Shimada1, Masataka Seo1 (1. Osaka Institute of Technology)
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