Session Details

[B-1C]アンテナ・伝播 C

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K309(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:MASANORI GOCHO, Honda Kazuhiro

[B-1C-01]Experimental Evaluation of Angle-of-Arrival based Indoor Localization Methods using Distributed Sensors

○Koularp THONGSAVANH1, Togo Ikegami1, Minseok KIM1 (1. Niigata University)
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[B-1C-02]Basic Study of Undersea Position Estimation Method Using Electromagnetic Wave by a Single Receiving Device

○Shinnosuke Sakaya1, Masaharu Takahashi1 (1. Chiba University)
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[B-1C-03]Localization algorithm using mm-wave radar for non-line of sight environment

○Takayuki Nakanishi1, Yasuhiro Nishioka1, Yoshio Inasawa1 (1. MItsubishi Electric Corporation)
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[B-1C-04]Experimental Verification of Human Body Ranging Using Wi-Fi CSI

○Kentaro Kikuta1, Takumi Shimofusa1, Naoki Honma1, Takeshi Nakayama2, Shoichi Iizuka2, Nobuyuki Shiraki2, Kentaro Murata1 (1. Iwate University, 2. Panasonic)
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[B-1C-05]High-Efficiency Microwave Wireless Power Transfer Realizing Simultaneous Avoidance of Existing System Interference and Human-Body Illumination

○Naoki Honma1, Kyoshiro Muramatsu1, Kentaro Murata1 (1. Iwate University)
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[B-1C-06]Effects of Weight Coefficient Quantization on Wireless Power Transmission

○Yoshihiro Shinagawa1, Mitoshi Fujimoto1 (1. Fukui Univ.)
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Break time

[B-1C-07]Optimization of Phase Shift Values for a 3-Axis Polarization Orthogonally Arranged Dipoles

○Toshiki Osaka1, Kazuhiro Honda1, K. Li2 (1. Univ. of Toyama, 2. University of Electro-Communications)
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[B-1C-08]Experiment Verification of Mono Pulse Pattern Sidelobe Reduction Using Time Modulated Array

○Makoto Matsuki1, Kazunari Kihira1, Toru Takahashi1 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
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[B-1C-09]A Consideration of Weight Orthogonalization in Blind Source Separation Using Kurtosis Maximization Algorithm

○Shogo Osakabe1, Nobuyoshi Kikuma1, Kunio Sakakibara1, Yoshiki Sugimoto1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology)
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[B-1C-10]Study on Array Antenna Design Using Maclaurin Expansion with Pseudo-Quantum Annealing

○Shogo Kaginushi1, Mitoshi Fujimoto1, Ryo Yamaguchi2, Kazuma Tomimoto2 (1. Fukui Univ., 2. SoftBank)
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[B-1C-11]Study on Antenna Placement of LoS-MIMO for Mobility in HAPS Feeder Link

○Kazuki Matsuura1, Yoshichika Ohta1 (1. SoftBank Corp.)
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[B-1C-12]LEO-MIMO capacity evaluation using multiple parabolic antennas

○Daisuke Goto1, Koyo Tategami1, Kiyohiko Itokawa1, Fumihiro Yamashita1 (1. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
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