Session Details

[B-1A]アンテナ・伝播 A

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K310(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:TAKAHIRO HAYASHI, Kim minseok

[B-1A-13]Evaluation of Measurement and Analysis of Propagation Characteristics in Tunnel

○Takuro Mamiya1, Toshiki Soma1, Takayuki Nakanishi1, Yasuhiro Nishioka1, Yoshio Inasawa1 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
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[B-1A-14]Reducing Noise Power in Short-Term Power Delay Profiles with Weak Leading Edge

○Fumiya Ojika1, Takaya Yamazato1, Masato Saito2, Hideki Omote3, Akihiro Sato3, Sho Kimura3, Shoma Tanaka3, Hoyu Lin3 (1. Nagoya University, 2. University of the Ryukyus, 3. SoftBank Corp.)
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[B-1A-15]Doppler Spectrum Generation Method Considering Moving Scatterers in V2V Communications

○Tatsuya Kutsukawa1, Tadashi Shimizu1, Hiroaki Nakabayashi1 (1. Chiba Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering)
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[B-1A-16]Examination of Non-Line-of-Sight propagation loss model for road-to-vehicle communication system in urban area

○Shunsuke Mabuchi1, Mitoshi Fujimoto1, Masato Ogawa2, Takeshi Suzuki2 (1. Fukui Univ., 2. KYOCERA)
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[B-1A-17]A study on radio propagation over viaduct

○Tatsuya Fukushima1, Kumiko Kambara2, Yasuo Ohya1, Tomoya Tandai1 (1. Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corp., 2. AGC Inc.)
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[B-1A-18]Urban Celluar Channel Characterization at 4.85 GHz

○Inocent Mramba Calist1, Minseok Kim1, Riku Takahashi1 (1. Niigata University)
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Break time

[B-1A-19]Arrival angle characteristics at MS in high BS environment and vegetation environment

○Sho Kimura Kimura1, Akihiro Sato1, Hideki Omote1 (1. Softbank Corp.)
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[B-1A-20]K-Factor Characteristics of the Drone-to-Ground Communication According to the Flight Altitude

○Kaisei Aoki1, Kazuhiro Honda1 (1. Univ. of Toyama)
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[B-1A-21]Measurement Accuracy of K factor in the sky cell

○Teruya Fujii1, Kouichi Kawai2, Susumu YONEDA3, Takeshi ITO 2 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. mtex, 3. Soft Bank Corp)
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[B-1A-22]Arrival angle characteristics at MS in high BS environment and mountainous environment

○Akihiro Sato1, Sho Kimura1, Hideki Omote1 (1. SoftBank)
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[B-1A-23]A Study on Drone Height Characteristics of K-factor in Drone Relay System

○Yudai Ishikawa1, Tetsuro Imai1 (1. Tokyo Denki Univ.)
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[B-1A-24]4.8 GHz Band Propagation Channel Measurement By UAV-based Channel Sounder

○Kentaro Saito1, Sora Kojima2 (1. Tottori University, 2. Tokyo Denki University)
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