Session Details

[B-5A]無線通信システム A

Fri. Mar 8, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Fri. Mar 8, 2024 12:00 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
School of Engineering 114(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:Hiroshi Kubo, Satoshi Denno

[B-5A-60]A Study on Channel Response Estimation of Terminals in Neighboring Cells using SRS

○Takuya Kaneda1, Takafumi Fujii1, Teruya Fujii2 (1. SoftBank Corp., 2. Tokyo Tech)
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[B-5A-61]Performance Comparison of DNN and MMSE Channel Estimation in Multi-Path Fading Channel

○Sixian Luo1, Osamu Nakamura1, Ryota Yamada1, Hiromichi Tomeba1, Yasuhiro Hamaguchi1 (1. Sharp Corporation)
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[B-5A-62]Channel Estimation Based on 1D CNN for OFDM Systems with Scattered Pilot under High-Speed Railway Environments

○Aphitchaya Siriwanitpong1, Kosuke Sanada1, Hiroyuki Hatano1, Kazuo Mori1, Pisit Boonsrimuang2 (1. Mie university, 2. King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang)
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[B-5A-63]Millimeter-Wave Channel Estimation in the Presence of Array Model Errors

○Kabuto Arai1, Ishibashi Koji1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications)
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[B-5A-64]Path Direction Estimation based Beam Codebook Design for mmWave Massive MIMO

○Jun Shikida1, Kazushi Muraoka1 (1. NEC)
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[B-5A-65]Experimental Evaluation of Simultaneous Beam Search of Multi-user Using Multi-beam

○Shuki Wai1, Takuto Arai1, Hibiki Tsukada1, Hiroto Yamamoto1, Tatsuhiko Iwakuni1, Daisei Uchida1, Naoki Kita1 (1. NTT)
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Break time

[B-5A-66]Study on Sampling Period of Past Interferers’ Channels of Null-Space Extended Multiuser MIMO Applied to Distributed Subarray Base Station

○Taiki Matsuyama1, Makoto Taroamru1, Hidekazu Murata2, Tatsuhiko Iwakuni3, Daisei Uchida3, Naoki Kita3 (1. Fukuoka Univ., 2. Yamaguchi Univ., 3. NTT)
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[B-5A-67]Study on the Error Performance of Linear MIMO Signal Reception Technique Using Null-Space Expansion

○Yuki Ohi1, Hidekazu Murata1, Shohei Kobayashi2, Makoto Taromaru3, Tatsuhiko Iwakuni4, Daisei Uchida4, Naoki Kita4 (1. Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, 2. Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University, 3. Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka University, 4. NTT Access Network Service System Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
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[B-5A-68]Improving block diagonalization-based massive MIMO null-space expansion by block MSN beamforming

○Yuki Sasaki1, Kabuto Arai2, Kazuki Maruta1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Scinece, 2. UEC)
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[B-5A-69]Laboratory Experiment of Multiuser MIMO Broad-Range Null-Steering in LoS Environment

○Sojin Ozawa1, Yuki Sasaki1, Ryo Iwaki2, Jin Nakazato2, Manabu Tsukada2, Kazuki Maruta1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2. Tokyo Univ.)
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[B-5A-70]A Study on Computational Complexity-reduced Parallel PAPR Reduction Method Using Null Space for Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems

○Jun Saito1, Takanori Hara1, Kenichi Higuchi1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science)
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[B-5A-71]Study of Joint PAPR Reduction Method Using Null Space in Channel for AF-Based Relaying MIMO-OFDM Signals and Predistortion Techniques

○Asuka Kakehashi1, Kenichi Higuchi1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science)
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