Session Details

[Pos1]Poster July 29

Mon. Jul 29, 2024 6:10 PM - 8:10 PM JST
Mon. Jul 29, 2024 9:10 AM - 11:10 AM UTC

[1P-01]Synthesis and Light-Emitting Diode Application of Sb3+/Mn2+ Co-Doped with Stable and High Photoluminescence Quantum Yield of Cs2NaInCl6

*SHIKAI CHEN1, Keita Tosa1, Yusheng Li1, Shuzi Hayase1, Qing Shen1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications (Japan))

[1P-02]Highly Luminescent Phase-Stable Hybrid Manganese Halides for Efficient X-Ray Imaging

*Sujun Ji1, Feng Liu2, Shuzi Hayase1, Qing Shen1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications (Japan), 2. Shandong University (China))

[1P-03]Effect of Sulfidation Temperature on Preparation of ZnO@ZnS Core-Shell Nanorod Arrays for Enhanced Photocurrent Density and supercapacitor Properties

*Yu Zhe Johnson Wu1, Wenjea Jack Tseng1 (1. National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan))

[1P-04]Diffusion Behavior of Gas Molecules Monitored by the Phosphorescence Processes of Imide Compound Dispersed in Polymer Matrix at Lower Temperatures

*Marina Doi1, Haonan Liu1, Shinji Ando1 (1. Dept. of Chem. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech (Japan))

[1P-05]Two-step photoreduction of anthraquinone derivatives in polysaccharide gels

*Ayuna Nishiyama1, Yuki Nagai1, Yoshinori Okayasu1, Yoichi Kobayashi1,2 (1. Ritsumeikan Univ. (Japan), 2. PRESTO JST (Japan))

[1P-06]Adsorption Behavior and Electron Injection Efficiencies of Metalloporphyrins on the Titania Nanosheets

*Masbooth Rasa Melechalil1, Tetsuya Shimada1, Tamao Ishida1, Shinsuke Takagi1 (1. TOKYO METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY (Japan))

[1P-07]CO2 Reduction for Green Syngas Production in an Aqueous Media Using a Photoelectrochemical Cell Utilizing a Black Cu3VS4 Photocathode

*Kengo Nagatsuka1, Yuichi Yamaguchi1,2, Akihiko Kudo1,2 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science (Japan), 2. CVRC, RIST TUS (Japan))

[1P-08]Real-time observation of electron transfer in TiO2 photoanode modified with molecular ruthenium complexes anchored by pyridine ligands

*Masaya Yara1, Teruyuki Honda1, Takumi Ehara1, Kiyoshi Miyata1, Yan Xin1, Hironobu Ozawa1, Ken Sakai1, Ken Onda1 (1. Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University (Japan))

[1P-09]Enhanced Luminescence of Ag-In-Ga-S Nanocrystals Embedded in Ga2O3 Matrix by Na+ Doping for Light-Emitting Diodes

*Makoto Tozawa1, Chie Miyamae1, Kazutaka Akiyoshi1, Tatsuya Kameyama1, Genichi Motomura2, Yoshihide Fujisaki2, Taro Uematsu3, Susumu Kuwabata3, Tsukasa Torimoto1 (1. Nagoya Univ. (Japan), 2. NHK STRL (Japan), 3. Osaka Univ. (Japan))

[1P-10]Cuprous Oxide Photocathode Stability via Nitrate Reduction Reaction

*Rizki Marcony Marcony Surya1, Surya Pratap Singh1, Takuya Okazaki1, Kosuke Beppu1, Fumiaki Amano1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan))

[1P-11]A Molecular-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell for Soar-Driven CO2 Reduction Consisting of Two Mesoporous TiO2 Electrodes

*Yuki Goya1, Ken Sakai1, Hironobu Ozawa1 (1. Kyushu University (Japan))

[1P-12]The preparation of one-component Type II visible-light-absorbing chalcones containing fused aromatic rings and their free radical photopolymerization properties

*Yung-Chung Chen1,2, Shih-Chieh Yen1, Jen-Shyang Ni1 (1. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung (Taiwan), 2. Photo-SMART (Photo-sensitive Material Advanced Research and Technology Center), National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung (Taiwan))

[1P-13]Defluoroheteroarylation of Trifluoromethylarenes with Heteroarenes by Photoredox Catalysts and Organostannanes

Naoki Sugihara1, *Masayuki Abe1, Yoshihiro Nishimoto1,2, Makoto Yasuda1,2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University (Japan), 2. Innovative Catalysis Science Division, Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives (ICS-OTRI), Osaka University (Japan))

[1P-14]Light-intensity dependence of CO2 reduction over Ru-complex/Ag/polymeric carbon nitride hybrid photocatalysts

*Ryuichi Nakada1, Toshiya Tanaka1, Megumi Okazaki1, Kazuhiko Maeda1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Tecnology (Japan))

[1P-15]Dimer-of-Dimers type tetranuclear rhodium complex catalyst for electrochemical and photochemical hydrogen evolution

*Natsumi Yano1, Yusuke Kataoka1 (1. Shimane Univ. (Japan))

[1P-16]Ultrasound-driven crystallization of amorphous TiO2 for photocatalysis

*Arno Raes1, Sammy W. Verbruggen1 (1. University of Antwerp (Belgium))

[1P-17]Preparation and photocatalytic properties of crosslinked-1,2,4,5-tetrahydroxybenzene for hydrogen peroxide generation

*Hisanao Usami1, Honoka Shima1 (1. Shinshu University (Japan))

[1P-18]Visible-Light Absorption of Heteroleptic Cu(I) Complexes Bearing 5-Membered Heteroaryls for Redox Photosensitizer

*Hiroyuki Takeda1, Natsumi Hirosaka1, Taiyo Kobayashi1, Motoko S Asano1 (1. Gunma University (Japan))

[1P-19]Single particulate ANbO3:Ir,Zr (A = K, Na) photocatalysts
synthesized by various methods for water splitting under visible light irradiation

*Natsuki Suto1, Yuichi Yamaguchi1,2, Akihiko Kudo1,2 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Science (Japan), 2. CVRC, RIST TUS (Japan))

[1P-20]Carotenoid@Ti3C2Tx nanocomposites for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

*Shin-ichi Sasaki1, Yanxiang Liu2, Ritsuko Fujii3, Xiao-Feng Wang2 (1. Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech. (Japan), 2. Jilin Univ. (China), 3. Osaka Metropolitan Univ. (Japan))

[1P-22]Rutilization of TiO2 Anatase by Plasmonic Heating through Au Nanoparticles

*Merlin Lukas Gutgesell1, Julian Klein2, Shuoping Ding3, Gerd Bacher2, Jennifer Strunk1 (1. Tech. Univ. Munich (TUM) (Germany), 2. Univ. Duisburg-Essen (Germany), 3. Leibniz-Inst. for Cat. (LIKAT) (Germany))

[1P-23]Machine learning-assisted prediction of nitridation process of Ta2O5 to TaON and their photocatalytic oxygen evolution properties

*Masanori Kodera1, Kazuhiro Sayama1 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan))

[1P-24]Controlling Carrier Dynamics of Bi-based Oxyhalide Photocatalysts via Introduction of Lanthanide Ions

*Yudai Furuta1, Hajime Suzuki1, Osamu Tomita1, Akinobu Nakada1, Akinori Saeki2, Ryu Abe1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Japan), 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University (Japan))

[1P-25]Chiroptical Control in One-dimensional Helical Structure of Perovskite Crystalline Films

*Hikari Suzuki1, Yusuke Kinoshita1, Ayumi Ishii1 (1. Waseda Univ. (Japan))

[1P-26]Particle Morphology Control of a Layered Oxyhalide Photocatalyst Toward Efficient Water Splitting Under Visible Light

*Yasutaka Soga1, Hajime Suzuki1, Osamu Tomita1, Akinobu Nakada1, Ryu Abe1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Japan))

[1P-27]Photoreduction Reaction of CO2 Using Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Having Arylborane Units

*Eri Sakuda1, Ryo Fukumoto1, Yuuki Hommura1, Kenichiro Omoto1, Yasuhiro Arikawa1, Keisuke Umakoshi1 (1. Nagasaki University (Japan))

[1P-28]Simultaneous production of hydrogen and chlorine through overall brine splitting with Pt-loaded TiO2

*Takumi Okada1,2, Masanori Kodera1, Yugo Miseki1, Hitoshi Kusama1, Takahiro Gunji2, Kazuhiro Sayama1,2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), 2. Tokyo University of Science (Japan))

[1P-29]Development of Lanthanide-based Up-conversion Hybrid Materials for NIR Light-activated Photochemical Reaction

*Ryota Komatsuzaki1, Yusuke Kinoshita1, Ayumi Ishii1 (1. Waseda University (Japan))

[1P-30]Electron-accumulating Dinuclear Co-NHC Catalyst for CO2 Reduction

*Koshiro Chiwata1, Kosei Yamauchi1, Ken Sakai1 (1. Kyushu Univ. (Japan))

[1P-31]Prediction of photocatalytic activity by energy-resolved distribution of electron traps

*Mai Takashima1, Bunsho Ohtani2, Ryoji Asahi1 (1. Nagoya University (Japan), 2. touché NPO (Japan))

[1P-32]Study on factors affecting uncaging quantum yield for the design of improved ortho-nitrobenzyl photoremovable protecting groups

*Linh Tran Bao Nguyen1, Manabu Abe1,2 (1. Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Advance Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University (Japan), 2. Hiroshima Research Center for Photo-Drug-Delivery Systems (Hi-PDDS), Hiroshima University (Japan))

[1P-34]Synthesis, Optical and Electrical Properties of Colloidal P-type PbS Quantum Dots for Solar Cell Applications

*Napasuda Wichaiyo1, Yuyao Wei1, Chao Ding2, Sayuri Kaneko1, Shuzi Hayase1, Qing Shen1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications (Japan), 2. Sichuan University (China))

[1P-35]Suppressing Auger recombination by controlling the interface of core-shell quantum dots for high efficiency quantum dot-based solar cells

*BOYU ZHANG1, SHUZI HAYASE1, QING SHEN1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications (Japan))

[1P-36]Volatile solvent system for quenching-free perovskite processing

*Samy Almosni1, Hiroshi Segawa1,2,3 (1. Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan (Japan), 2. Department of Chemical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (Japan), 3. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan (Japan))

[1P-37]Ultrafast photophysics in ternary system of organic solar cell material

*Chao Yang Lin1, Heng Lu2, Xiaowei Zhan2, Kai Chen1,3,4 (1. RRI, Faculty of Engineering, VUW (New Zealand), 2. SMSE, Peking Univ (China), 3. MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (New Zealand), 4. The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies (New Zealand))

[1P-38]Effectiveness and limitation of the performance prediction of perovskite solar cells by process informatics

*Ryo Fukasawa1, Toru Asahi1, Takuya Taniguchi1 (1. Waseda Univ. (Japan))

[1P-39]A new approach for the fabrication of perovskite solar cells by mixing of perovskite single crystals

*Shafna Kunnathum Peedika1, Wei Tzu Chien1 (1. National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) (Taiwan))

[1P-40]Tailoring Photoelectrochemical Properties of Ag-Bi-S Quantum Dots through Size and Composition

*Wentao Zhang1, Kazutaka Akiyoshi1, Tatsuya Kameyama1, Tsukasa Torimoto1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. (Japan))

[1P-41]PbS quantum dot/ZnO heterointerface modification using small organic molecules with different tailor groups for high-efficiency infrared solar cell

*Xiaoxiao Mi1, Koichi Tamaki1, Haibin Wang1, Takaya Kubo1, Hiroshi Segawa1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[1P-42]Electrodeposited Zn-doped TiO2 Mesoporous Electron Transporting Layer For Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells

*Phuong Ha Thi Ngo1, Tzu-chien Wei1, Vinh Son Nguyen1 (1. National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan))

[1P-43]Rational Molecular Engineering of Porphyrins for Enhanced Performance in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

*Farghally Abdelraheem Farghally1, Tsung Chein Zu Lee2, Chen Yu Yeh4, Tzu Chien Wei3 (1. Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan (Taiwan), 2. Department of Chemistry, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan (Taiwan), 3. Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan (Taiwan), 4. Department of Chemistry, ,National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan (Taiwan))

[1P-44]Decoupled water nucleophilic attack pathway by a polymeric water oxidation catalyst with single nickel sites

*Hao Yang1, Licheng Sun1,2 (1. KTH (Sweden), 2. Westlake Univ. (China))

[1P-45]A Highly Durable Dinuclear Platinum(II) Molecular Photocatalyst Promoting Red-Light-Driven Hydrogen Production From Water

*Toma Kunikubo1, Muralee Murugesu2, Jaclyn Brusso2, Kosei Yamauchi1, Hironobu Ozawa1, Ken Sakai1 (1. Kyushu Univ. (Japan), 2. Ottawa Univ. (Canada))

[1P-46]Observation of excited carrier transfer from TiO2 photocatalyst powder to metal nanoparticle cocatalyst using in-situ ATR-SEIRAS measurement.

*Shu Ashimura1, Outa Mori1, Reiya Konaka1, Masaaki Yoshida1 (1. Yamaguchi University (Japan))

[1P-47]Estimating Turnover Frequency in Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution from Water Catalyzed by a Co-NHC Complex

*Masanori Kan1, Kosei Yamauchi1, Ken Sakai1 (1. Kyushu University (Japan))

[1P-48]Visible-light driven L-alanine production from pyruvate and ammonia using photo/biocatalyst system

*Kyosuke Yamada1, Yutaka Amao1,2 (1. Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University (Japan), 2. Research Centre for Artificial Photosynthesis, Osaka Metropolitan University (Japan))

[1P-49]Visible light responsive hydrogen production based on formate decomposition using the enzyme and platinum nanoparticles in neutral pH region

*Shintaro Yoshikawa1, Yutaka Amao1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University (Japan))

[1P-50]Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon dot/MnMoO4 Composites for energy storage Applications

*Anuja Arun Yadav1, M M Islam1, Takeaki Sakurai1, S -W Kang2 (1. Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki , Japan (Japan), 2. Department of Automotive Engineering, Yeungnum University, 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 38541, Republic of Korea (Korea))

[1P-51]Development of Water Splitting catalyst Using Manganese Nodule and Elucidation of Catalytic Function by Operando XAFS Measurements

*Masahiro Tomomune1, Masaaki Yoshida1 (1. Yamaguchi University (Japan))

[1P-52]A new discovery on the spatial distribution of triplet state in molecules with large π-conjugated systems

*Xue Zhang1, Jianzhang Zhao1 (1. Dalian University of Technology (China))

[1P-54]Photocatalytic Activity Induced by Self-assemblies of Ionic Organic Dyes and the Applications for Artificial Photosynthesis

*Hajime Shigemitsu1, Aya Yoshikawa1, Yuya Imuro1, Toshiyuki Kida1 (1. Osaka University (Japan))

[1P-55]Electrochemical nitrogen fixation using defect-engineered iron oxides

*Toshihiro Takashima1, Takumi Mochida1, Hikaru Fukasawa1, Hiroshi Irie1 (1. University of Yamanashi (Japan))

[1P-56]Efficient Isomerization Reactions of Photochromic Terarylenesand Photoenergy Storage Capability

*TSUYOSHI KAWAI1,2,3, Ryosuke ASATO1,2,4,7, Takuya NAKASHIMA5, Ryuta IMAI1, Mihoko YAMADA1, Colin MARTIN1,2,6, Gwenael RAPENNE1,2,3,7 (1. Division of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, NAIST (Japan), 2. International Collaborative Laboratory for Supraphotoactive Systems, NAIST-CEMES, CNRS UPR 8011 (France), 3. Interfaces, Molecules and Materials Laboratory, Division of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, NAIST (Japan), 4. Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Science & Innovation Center (Japan), 5. Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University (Japan), 6. Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), 7. Centre d’Elaboration de Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurale, Université de Toulouse, CNRS (France))

[1P-57]Anion-Accelerated Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide using a boron complex

*Tatsuki Morimoto1, Sakiho Kihara1, Hiroki Shimoji2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology (Japan), 2. School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology (Japan))