Session Details

[31amC-Oral]Emerging photovoltaics (perovskite solar cells, dye-sensitized solar cells, OPV, and QD’s)

Wed. Jul 31, 2024 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM JST
Wed. Jul 31, 2024 1:30 AM - 3:20 AM UTC
Room C(Dahlia-2)
Chair:Atsushi Wakamiya(Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University), Cojocaru Ludmila(The University of Tokyo)

[3C-01-KL]Perovskite-perovskite tandem photoelectrodes for efficient solar water-splitting

*Yanfa Yan1, Zhaoning Song1, Sheng Fu1, Nannan Sun1, Chongwen Li1, Lei Chen1 (1. University of Toledo (United States of America))

[3C-02-IL]Perovskite-based tandems: Perovskite/Si 2J and beyond

*Jin Young Kim1 (1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (Korea))

[3C-03-IL]Unconventional Polymer Order in Donor-Acceptor Blends: Efficient Charge Separation and Charge Transport in Organic Photovoltaics

*Itaru Osaka1 (1. Hiroshima University (Japan))

[3C-04-OR]Interpretable Machine Learning for Advanced High-Throughput Design of Non-Fullerene Ternary OSCs and Porphyrin-based DSCs

*Hui-Hsu Gavin Tsai1,2, Jian-Ming Liao1 (1. Department of Chemistry, National Central University (Taiwan), 2. Research Center of New Generation Light Driven Photovoltaic Modules, National Central University (Taiwan))

[3C-05-OR]Nature versus Emerging Photovoltaics& the Photovoltaic Girl with the Pearl Earring

*Jean V. Manca1, Jeroen Hustings1, Nico Fransaert1, Allyson Robert1, Willem Awouters1, Marieke Vereycken1, Alessandro Romano1, Roland Valcke2 (1. UHasselt / X-LAB (Belgium), 2. UHasselt / Molecular and Physical Plant Physiology (Belgium))