Session Details

[01pm2E-Oral]Artificial photosynthesis and natural photosynthesis

Thu. Aug 1, 2024 4:25 PM - 5:45 PM JST
Thu. Aug 1, 2024 7:25 AM - 8:45 AM UTC
Room E(Cosmos-2)
Chair:Masahiro Miyauchi(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Licheng Sun(WESTLAKE UNIVERSITY)

[4E-08-KL]Chlorophyll derivative-based devices for photoenergy conversion and storage

*Xiao-Feng Wang1 (1. College of Physics, Jilin University (China))

[4E-09-IL]Investigation of the role of metal nanoparticles for efficiency improvement of photocatalysts

*Yukina Takahashi1 (1. Kyushu University (Japan))

[4E-10-IL]Blue-green light utilization strategy of the siphonaxanthin-type photosynthetic antenna in a marine green alga, Codium fragile

*Ritsuko Fujii1, Soichiro Seki2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University (Japan), 2. Osaka City University (Japan))