Session Details

Plasma Science & Technologies 6

Wed. Mar 5, 2025 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 5, 2025 5:30 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Room A(Active Plaza)
Chair:Hyun-ha Kim(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)), Tsuyohito Ito(The University of Tokyo)
Plasma diagnostics

[05pA09I]Revisiting Ion Velocity Distribution in the Cathode Sheath of Direct-Current Discharges by Entropy Analysis

*Tsuyohito Ito1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[05pA10O]Enhancing He 3S1 State Production in Burst Atmospheric Plasma

*Nikolay Britun1, Masaru Hori1 (1. Nagoya University (Japan))

[05pA11O]Measurement of Surface Loss Probability of Hydrogen Atoms on Substrates

*Shohei Nanya1, Keigo Takeda1, Mineo Hiramatsu1 (1. Meijo University (Japan))

[05pA12O]The Gas Temperature Estimation in Atmospheric Pressure Argon Glow Discharge Using Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

*Ren Kimura1, Yusuke Nakagawa1, Fumiyoshi Tochikubo1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan))

[05pA13O]Optical Spectroscopy for a Better Understanding of Plasma-Based CH4 Reforming in Atmospheric Discharges

*Pierre Mathieu1, Abhyuday Chatterjee2, Rony Snyders3, Nikolay Britun4 (1. FNRS - UMONS (Belgium), 2. UMONS (Belgium), 3. UMONS - Materia Nova (Belgium), 4. cLPS (Nagoya University) (Japan))