Session Details

[OW4]Technical session 1

Thu. Sep 19, 2024 1:05 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 4:05 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Room 21CD(Kitakyushu International Conference Center 2F)
Chair:Shingo Ozaki(Yokohama National University), Yuji Ichikawa(Tohoku University)

OW opening

[OW4-01]Desirable fabrication of micro-lattice structures and proper evaluation of their mechanical and multifunctional properties

*Kuniharu Ushijima1 (1. Tokyo University of Science (Japan))

[OW4-02]Fracture locus of additive manufactured stainless steel 316L and prediction of the failure in lattice structures

Ninian Sing Kok Ho1, Gin Boay Chai1, *Peifeng Li2 (1. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), 2. University of Glasgow (UK))

[OW4-03]Modeling of strain rate-dependent compression properties of rigid polymer foam in relation to foaming properties

*Tomohisa Kojima1, Takahiro Kawano2, Yuta Takase2, Kohei Tateyama3, Hiroyuki Yamada4, Kensuke Kageyama1, Tomoaki Tsuji2 (1. Saitama Univ. (Japan), 2. Chuo Univ. (Japan), 3. Muroran Institute of Technology (Japan), 4. National Defense Academy (Japan))