Venue & Access

Acrea Himeji

Access to the venue "Acrea Himeji": 10 min walk from Himeji station.

143-2, Kamiyacho, Himeji-city, Hyogo,670-0836

TEL : +81-(0)79-263-8082

FAX : +81-(0)79-226-3399


Travel Information by Himeji City (External)

Floor Guide

*Access from the station is on the 2nd floor.

*The main symposium venue and reception desk are on the 2nd floor, the poster room and booths are on the 1st floor, and the basic lectures, luncheon seminars  are on the 4th floor.

* Please receive a name holder and lanyard in the reception on the 2nd floor in front of the conference hall (Medium Hall), insert your participation card (please print in advance and bring your participation card), and be sure to wear it at the venue.
