The 67th Annual Meeting of Jpn. Petrol. Inst. (The 73nd R&D Symposium of JPI)

Call for oral presentation/Entry

Presentation Entry

May 27, 2025

Tower Hall Funabori, 2F
    (The Petroleum Institute of Japan Annual Meeting venue)

Entry period: Dec. 18, 2024- January 15, 2025

Method of presentation
Oral or poster presentations in Japanese or English.  

Presentation time
The presentation time for general oral presentations is 15 min (including Q&A).

How to entry
Please access the presentation entry site and submit your application.

*You need to register your account in advance on the website.  You can register your presentation only during the registration period above.
If you do not receive an e-mail, please contact the Secretariat.

Selecting the presentation category
Please select the closest one from the presentation classification.

Presentation classificationDetails
Natural resources developmentconventional/unconventional resources, shale gas, shale oil, methane hydrate, geothermal resources, natural gas/LNG, digital oil, DX, exploration/development/drilling/production technology, production efficiency, environmental technology (CO2 underground storage, produced water treatment), core testing, asphaltene deposition, crude emulsion, enhanced oil recovery, EOR/IOR (water flooding, CO2 flooding, chemical flooding, microbial flooding)
Desulfrization, heavy oil treatmentdesulfurization, FCC, hydrocracking, thermal cracking (coker), petroleomics
Petroleum refiningseparation (distillation, extraction), LPG treatment precess, alkylation, catalytic cracking, petrochemical materials, hydrate production, sulfur recovery, mercury removal/analysis/waste
Petrochemicals/chemical productsmonomer/dimer/polymer productioin, aromatics production, functional chemicals, selective oxidization, synthesis process, ethylene cracker
Functional materialszeolite,MOF,adsorbent
Environmental chemistryexhaust gas purification, CFC decomposition, photocatalyst
Petroleum products/analysisfuel oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, heavy oil, asphalt), lubricants (automotive lubricant, industrial lubricant, grease, insulating oil), instrumental analysis, performance evaluation, test methods
Refinery maintenancesafety and security (accident analysis, hazard analysis, risk analysis, risk management), reliability, maintenance (material degradation mechanisms, remaining life evaluation, inspection/monitoring techniques), equipment design, maintenance, and standards
Management/informationmanagement strategy (scenario planning, IT investment, IT organization, KPI, new buisness model, DX, diversity/inclusion, after corona), information infrastructure (security, cloud, IoT, EA), information management (ECM, knowledge management, data handover), information technology (big data analysis, BI, data mining, mathematical model, OR, AI), information system (operation/production, quality, inventory, maintenance , safety, SCM, ERP, mobile devices, sensors, robotics)
Hydorgen production, transportation, storagehydrogen production, CO2 free hydrogen, hydrogen carrier, power to gas, fuel cell
CO2 recovery/conversionshift reaction, methanation, GTL, methanol synthesis), anmonia synthesis, CO mineralization
Resource recyclewaste plastic treatment (chemical recycling, mixed waste plastic, catalytic cracking, pyrolysis), resource recycling
Biomass conversionthermochemical conversion (gasification, pyrolysis, direct liquefaction, hydrogenation), biochemical conversion (fermentation technology, algae cultivation, enzyme utilization)

Acceptance of presentation
Applicants will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their presentation by end of February.  Please note that presentation category and presentation time may be changed depending on the number of applications.

Submission of extended abstract
Extended abstracts should be submitted as pdf files via the website (from Apr. 9 to 23, 2025).  Extended abstracts and presentation information will be available on May 22, 2025.

JPI retains all copyrights (including rights to use derivative works in electronic form, etc.) related to the information contained in the extended abstracts.

Publication and patent of abstracts
Extended abstracts will be available online at the conference website (May 22, 2025).