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[16a-A25-10]Spot size converter for edge-coupling of multimode LD

〇Yuya Yamanishi1, Junichi Inoue1, Keisuke Ozawa1, Kenji Kintaka2, Kouki Ichihashi3, Shogo Ura1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech., 2.AIST, 3.Panasonic Holdings Corp.)
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waveguide,spot size converter,optical integrated circuit

A novel spot size converter is proposed and investigated for low-loss edge coupling of a multimode LD, which has high output power, to an optical integrated circuit. The spot size converter of an inverted tapered comb structure has been designed to couple a LD with a near-field profile of 0.8 microns in the vertical direction into a dielectric glass waveguide with a mode field size of 0.13 microns. The coupling efficiency was simulated using the beam propagation method and estimated to be –0.02dB.


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