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[16a-B4-3]Anomalous Measurement of Imbert-Fedorov Shift at Surface Plasmon Resonance

〇(P)CherrieMay Olaya1, Norihiko Hayazawa1, Maria Herminia Balgos1, Takuo Tanaka1 (1.RIKEN)
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surface plasmon resonance,Goos-Hänchen shift,Imbert-Fedorov shift

The interaction of a real optical beam and a planar interface results in an apparent shift of the reflected beam with respect to the prediction of geometric optics. The reflected beam could be displaced along the optical axis, called Goos-Hänchen (GH) shift, or transverse to the optical axis, called Imbert-Fedorov (IF) shift. We performed simultaneous measurements of GH and IF shifts around the SPR region in the Kretschmann configuration using a thin gold film. While the in-plane GH shift agrees well with analytical calculation, we measured significantly large anomalous IF shift at the SPR angle which we surmise to have originated from the polarization mixing of the focused incident beam.


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