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[16a-B4-9]Nanoantennas with In-plane Asymmetry for Sensing and Non-centric Emission

〇Shunsuke Murai1, Taisuke Enomoto1, Katsuhisa Tanaka1, Minpeng Liang2, Jaime Gomes Rivas2 (1.Kyoto University, 2.TU/e)
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We prepared two samples with in-plane asymmetry: the first sample is the square lattice comprising asymmetric-shaped TiO2 nanoparticles. The second sample is non-Bravais lattice of Si nanoparticles array, supporting quasi-BIC states at normal incidence. Using these asymmetric nanoantennas, we investigated non-centric directional photoluminescence and sensitivity to the surrounding refractive index.


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