Presentation Information

[16a-C41-3]Open-Air Spray-Plasma Manufacturing of Large-Area Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules

〇Reinhold H. Dauskardt1 (1.Stanford University)
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perovskite,solar cell,solar module

I will describe our labs work to develop and demonstrate a scalable open-air plasma process to rapidly deposit and form perovskite cells and modules in open air at fast linear deposition rates. The process uses a combination of reactive species, UV and thermal energy to rapidly form the perovskite film after air spraying, forming high quality perovskite films. I will further mention an indirect laser scribing technique we have developed to efficiently form serially interconnected perovskite cells to form modules along with technoeconomic modeling of module manufacturing costs and LCOE estimates for pilot scale solar installations. I will discuss important aspects related to the stability of perovskite cells and modules and implications for module lifetimes.


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