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[16a-C43-8]X-ray Imaging at BL09W in NanoTerasu, a 4th-generation high-brilliance 3 GeV Synchrotron Light Source

〇Wataru Yashiro1,2,3,4, Xiaoyu Liang2, Chika Kamezawa1, Hiroki Sumiishi4 (1.SRIS, Tohoku Univ., 2.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 3.Grad. Eng., Univ. Tokyo, 4.Grad. Eng., Tohoku Univ.)
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We will present examples of X-ray imaging at the multi-pole wiggler (MPW) beamline BL09W of the fourth-generation 3 GeV high-brilliance synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu, which started its operation in April 2024. This beamline provides a large-area, large-flux, horizontally polarized white synchrotron radiation beam with energies mainly below 30 keV, and is expected to be used for various academic and industrial applications near future.


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