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[16p-A33-7]Physica Reservoir Made of Random Network of Gold Nanoparticles Operated in Liquid Nitrogen Bath

Kaito Kobayashi1, Yuki Hayashi1, Hiroshi Shimada1, 〇Yoshinao Mizugaki1 (1.Univ. Electro-Comm.)
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Coulomb blockade,tiny tunnel junctions,echo state network

We have been working on applications of gold-nanoparticle (GNP) assemblies as physical reservoirs. Last year, we reported the characteristics at liquid helium temperature of a six-terminal device fabricated by a multi-step immersion method using 30 nm diameter GNP colloids. In this study, we increased the number of terminals from 6 to 12. We also mixed 15 nm diameter GNP colloids to increase the charging energy of the GNPs within the assembly. We report the device characteristics at liquid nitrogen temperature.


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