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[16p-B4-8]Self-Assembled Silicon Metasurface for Mechanically Tunable Optical Properties

〇(M1)Yongan Hu1, Patrick Probst1, Mojtaba Karimi Habil1, Hiroshi Sugimoto1, Minoru Fujii1 (1.Kobe Univ.)
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Metasurface,Self-assemble,Surface Lattice Resonance

In this work, we present a mechanically tunable 2D Si nanoparticle array produced via templated colloidal self-assembly on a PDMS substrate. We successfully excite the collective electric dipole resonance in the periodic array. Stretching the elastic substrate shifts the spectral position of the resonance by tuning the periodicity. When the collective resonance overlaps with the single-particle magnetic resonance, the lattice Kerker effect arises and the reflectivity is strongly reduced.


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