Presentation Information

[16p-B4-9]A Fano resonance enhanced surface plasmon sensing for IgG/anti-IgG immunosensor with high sensitivity

〇(D)Yiming Lu1,3, Hidekazu Ishitobi1,2,3, Zouheir Sekkat4,5, Yasushi Inouye1,2,3 (1.FBS, Osaka Univ., 2.Dept. of Appl. Phys. Osaka Univ., 3.PhotoBIO-OIL, AIST-Osaka Univ., 4.MAScIR, 5.Univ. Mohammed VI Polytechnic)
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Fano resonance,surface plasmon resonance,immunosensor

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is widely used as a label-free method for monitoring molecular interactions such as antigen-antibody interactions by measuring the shift in the SPR angle due to changes in the refractive index of the sensing surface. Recently, SPR sensors based on Fano resonance have been proposed to improve the sensitivity of SPR sensors. In our previous report, SF11/Ag/SiO2/TiO2 multilayer system for Fano resonant SPR was developed and applied to the detection of glucose concentration, successfully improving the sensitivity by about one order of magnitude. In this presentation, I will introduce an extended application of the SF11/Ag/SiO2/TiO2 Fano multilayer system for monitoring molecular interactions such as IgG/anti-IgG interactions.


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