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[16p-B6-1]Spatial correlations controlling field dependence of mobility

〇Akira Ohno1, Takenori Nitta3, Jun-ichi Hanna2, Hiroaki Iino2 (1.NIT Niihama Coll., 2.Tokyo Tech., 3.NIT Tokyo Coll.)
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organic semiconductor,Gaussian Disorder Model,Spatial Correlation

In the correlated disorder model (CDM), which is a GDM with spatial correlation, the spatial correlation gives the electric field dependence of mobility. The disorder only due to permanent dipoles, not induced dipoles, has spatial correlation, and the electric field dependence that appears in systems without permanent dipoles could not be explained. By introducing spatial correlations in CDM simulations, we succeed to show that spatial correlations due to induced dipoles exist in small disordered systems and affect the electric field dependence of mobility.


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