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[16p-B6-9]Nonlinear Electrical Conduction in Au Adsorbed PCBM for Neuromorphic Physical Computing

〇Dong Han1, Takashi Yamada1, Tomoki Misaka1, Hiroshi Ohoyama1, Takuya Matsumoto1 (1.Osaka Univ.)
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fullerene derivative,Nonlinear Electrical Conduction,Neuromorphic Network

Recently, Artificial Neural Network that mimics the function of the human brain is becoming popular. Nonlinear classification has been demonstrated by using a system with a diluted doping in silicon. [1] The nonlinearity of hopping conduction through a network of inhomogeneous in-gap states generated by boron doping is clarified. However, the nonlinear properties emerged only at low temperatures, and these devices are desired to work at room temperature for future applications. An organic molecular system with an appropriate dopant must become one of the possible candidates as a nonlinear network system working at room temperature. Here, we propose a PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) /Au molecule system as a such system.
As shown in Fig.1, it was found that the nonlinear I-V characteristic was occurred at room temperature in the PCBM /Au molecule system by using nano size gap electrode. It is a promising property for the next step application for Neuromorphic physical Computing. Thus, we made comparison about nonlinear I-V characteristic in two different structures of PCBM due to different conductivity property, in oder to find the suitable condition. Because the relevant high current and nonlinearity are necessary for the application of the molecule device.
Then, as shown in the Fig.2, the V-t measurement was finished for Waveform generation task. It could be found that, the output current showed nonlinearity. In the meantime, the phase shift was occurred in the V-t curves, which means that the device has the potential ability for the next stage application of neuromorphic physical computing.

[1] T. Chen, et al., Nature 577, 341 (2020).


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