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[16p-C301-9]【Absence】A Low-Cost Solution-Processable SnTe Nanocrystals for Optoelectronics

〇(D)Thanyarat Phutthaphongloet1,2,3, Ricky D. Septianto1,3, Nobuhiro Matsushita2, Yoshihiro Iwasa1, Satria Z. Bisri1,3 (1.RIKEN CEMS, 2.Tokyo Inst. of Tech., 3.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.)
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Nanocrystals,Quantum dots,Allotropes

Here we report a low-cost solution-processable synthesis of monodisperse SnTe NCs and its potential as photodetection materials. Without introducing short ligands and halide treatments, the films of as-synthesized oleylamine-capped SnTe NCs demonstrate electrical conductivity. The obtained SnTe NCs can then be assembled for a photodetector device.These environmentally benign SnTe NCs will open new opportunities for high-performance and safe optoelectronic devices.


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