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[16p-P05-25]Effect of precursor solution temperature on the preparation of perovskite thin films

〇Ryouta Okuyama1, Ryotaro hayashi1, Daichi Okada1, Kenichi Yamashita1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Technol.)
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Perovskite,solar cell

Although it is important to fabricate perovskite thin films homogeneously and reproducibly for their practical use as high-efficiency solar cells, basic knowledge on fabrication conditions is still lacking because they are easily affected by the surrounding environment, such as temperature and humidity. In this study, we focused on the surface morphology in the deposition process called the two-step method in order to realize a stable fabrication method for perovskite thin films. Perovskite thin films were studied with special attention to the solution temperature during the first-step drop.


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