Presentation Information

[17a-A22-7]Electrical properties of TiN/MgO/TiN junctions at 10 mK

〇Hirotaka Terai1, Kazuyo Takaki1, Mai Setoura1, Satoru Mima1, Shigehito Miki1 (1.NICT)
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nitride superconductor,Josephson junction,magnesium oxide

We are working on developing a new material platform based on nitride superconductors as an alternative to the Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions that are widely used in R&D of current superconducting qubits. In this presentation, we report the test results of TiN/MgO/TiN Josephson junctions, where MgO has the same cubic structure as TiN and has an excellent lattice matching with TiN. We will discuss the current-voltage characteristics of TiN/MgO/TiN junctions at 10 mK.


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