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[17a-A31-3]Utilizing Near-Infrared Femtosecond Laser-Generated Gas Bubbles for Acellular Area Construction in Cell Monolayers

〇Kazunori Okano1,4, Naomi Tanga1,2, Rieko Aida4, Hayato Suwa4, Hiromi Hagiwara4, Yalikun Yaxiaer1, Koichiro Kishima5, Yoichiroh Hosokawa1,2,3 (1.Mat. Sci, NAIST, 2.CDG, NAIST, 3.MediLux, NAIST, 4.Toin Yokohama Univ., 5.Pinpoint Photonics)
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femtosecond laser,gas bubble,cell motility

The focused irradiation of near-infrared femtosecond laser (NIR fs laser) pulses in biological solvents efficiently induces molecular breakdown, generating vaporous gas micro bubbles. Such irradiation on live cells induces apoptosis and necrosis depending in pulse energy. Here we examined the relation bubble size and numbers and pulse energy in cells. Further, the NIR fs laser bubbling-formed cell-removed acellular area was used for assaying antimotility effects of the plant flavonoid apigenin.


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