Presentation Information

[17a-A32-1][The 56th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Creation of exotic structures in azopolymers with optical skyrmionic hopfion

〇Rihito Tamura1, Takashige Omatsu1,2 (1.Chiba Univ., 2.MCRC, Chiba Univ.)
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Topologically protected three-dimensional optical quasiparticles, known as optical hopfions, have been experimentally demonstrated through the superposition of orthogonally circularly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian modes. Optical hopfions are expected to be applied in optical manipulation and super-resolution microscopy due to their exotic polarization structures. However, there are few reports of the interaction between optical hopfions and materials. In this presentation, we report the demonstration of material manipulation by optical hopfions by focusing optional hopfions onto azopolymers with polarization-sensitive materials to form exotic surface relief structures.


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