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[17a-A32-8]Evaluation of Enhanced Polarized Emission of Fluorescent Molecules Immobilized to a Plasmonic Chip

〇Yuma Yoshida1, Yasunori Nawa1, Keiko Tawa1 (1.Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
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Plasmonic chip,Polarized emission,Enhanced fluorescence

Plasmonic chips with wavelength-sized periodic structures covered with thin metal films can provide enhanced fluorescence due to the enhanced electromagnetic field induced by grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance. In this study, in order to clarify the polarization properties of plasmon-enhanced emission of fluorescent molecules immobilized on the chip, the dependences of fluorescence intensity on the pitch, the silver film thickness, and the angle between the grating vector and the polarization axis of excited light were investigated and the degree of polarizationP(= (I//-I)/(I//+I)), excitation enhancement Ex and emission enhancement Em were evaluated.


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