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[17a-C302-8]Optical characterization of energy transfer process in Tm,Yb-codoped ZnO nanowires

〇(M2C)Masato Ida1, Jun Tatebayashi1, Shuhei Ichikawa1, Masakazu Tane1, Yasufumi Fujiwara1 (1.Osaka Univ.)
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rare-earth-doped semiconductor,nanowires,oxide semiconductor

We are aiming to improve the efficiency of Si solar cells by down-conversion between rare-earths in Tm, Yb-codoped ZnO. In our previous research, we have identified a luminescent center that could contribute to the energy transfer from Tm to Yb, but its details have not been clarified. In this study, through further optical characteristics evaluation, we succeeded in clarifying that the energy transfer from Yb to Tm, i.e., up conversion, occurs.


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