Presentation Information

[17p-A21-5]Development of radiation sensing technology based on solar cell

〇Yasuki Okuno1,5, Tomohiro Kobayashi1, Yoshie Otake1, Mitsuru Imaizumi2, Yukiko Kamikawa3, Tamotsu Okamoto4, Yuji Kurimoto4, Yuki Jimba5, Yasuyuki Ogino5, Ryuta Kasada4, Tetsuya Nakamura6 (1.RIKEN RAP, 2.Sanjo city univ., 3.AIST, 4.NIT Kisarazu Coll., 5.Tohoku univ., 6.JAXA)
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CIGS solar cell,InGaP solar cell,HOIP solar cell

We have been developing solar cell-based radiation dosimeters using highly radiation tolerant solar cell elements as new radiation detection devices. In this presentation, we report on the radiation detection characteristics of Si, CdTe, InGaP, CIGS and HOIP solar cells for gamma rays, electron beams, ion beams and neutron beams, and their characteristics and their connection to industrial needs. In this presentation, we present the results of radiation detection characteristics of Si, CdTe, InGaP, CIGS and HOIP solar cells for gamma, electron, ion beam and neutron radiation, and their characteristics and their connection to industrial needs.


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